Thursday, October 12, 2006

Ways to de-stress.

D : Deep Breathing
The moment you feel tense, your breathing srtarts to become shallow.Stop what you're doing and concentrate on taking in big gulps of air.In hale through nose and exhale through mouth.Deep breaathing helps to calm you down and get your heart rate back to normal.

E : Eat Well
Eat small meals and munching on healthy snacks several times a day helps to keep your blood sugar levels from fluctuating.A rich supply of omega-3 fatty acids from mackerel and sardines will help ypur nervous system function properly.

S : Sleep Well
A good night's sleep can make world of difference. You're less likely to be grumpy, anxious and tense the next day.You will be able to function better, think faster and be more alert at your workplace.

T : Tune In To Some Music

Whether it's pop music or orchestral numbers, music is said to soothe the nerves and help you cope with stress-related rises in blood pressure, it's cheap, safe, enjoyable and has no side-effects.

R : Relax
Though easier said than done, there are special techniques that you can learn to help you relax. One of these is called progressive muscle relaxation. You can do this either lying down or leaned back on your chair. Ideally, the place should be dimly lit and quiet. Spread your arms to your side wih your palms facing upwards. make a tight first with both hands and tense your entire body for 10 seconds before releasing your grip and relaxing.Now start from your feet, contacting and relaxing the muscles, like before, working your way up your legs, buttocks, back, chest, arms, neck, shoulders and face.This method is also useful for curing imsomnia.

E : Exercise
Stress depletes your energy levels and it makes you fat.Stress prompts the release of the hormone cortisol which breaks down muscle proteins. hinders fat burning and causes fat to build up in your body.Working out at the gym will overcome all these by burning off calories, reducing stress levels and enhancing your energy levels. A brisk walk is also a good way to work off the stream and leave you in better mood.

S : Scalp Massage
Use your fingertips to tap your scalp, followed by your forehead. This supposely gives you a quick energy boost and clears your mind. Giving yourself a scalp massage is one of the easiest ways to relieve tension in your head.Plus, it's one stress relief method you can practice in the office without drawing curious stares from your colleagues. With the tips of your fingers, start from the top of your head and work your way down to the neck.

S : Save A Tray
Pop by animal shelter like SPCA or PAWS to adopt a cat or dog. Pets are said to lower heart rates and reduce stress levels.Plus, you will be helping to save an animalby giving it a home. And we all know how doing a good deed always makes us feel better, dont we?

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Can you really achieve your money, health, relationship and
other goals effortlessly or do you have to struggle? Can
move in a way that guarantees that your goals are achieved,
or are you at the mercy of luck?

Yes, you can achieve your goals effortlessly. As much as
your logical mind may tell you that effortless goal
achievement is impossible, that is still a conditioned
belief. For evidence, look to nature.

How do you suppose a tiny seed grows into a giant tree with
no construction workers supervising the 'building' of that
tree? How do you suppose you grew without any effort on
your part from a tiny egg and sperm into a full grown
being? Yes, you ate, but you didn't have to do anything to
grow. How do you suppose this entire planet has sustained
itself for millions and millions of years without any
trucks coming in from outer space with food and material
deliveries? Nature, by nature, moves forward effortlessly.

And that brings us to the part about the guarantee. Yes,
your goals can be achieved in a guaranteed way. The amazing
thing about the universe is that it is an organized place.
The whole of it is one big miracle! And what keeps it going
is what you may call laws of the universe. Now, these laws
never err even once (you can imagine what a disaster that
would be if they did).

So here is how your guarantee comes in: If you flow against
these laws, then you have to struggle to achieve anything.
If you flow with the laws, then, by nature, you enter

Now we shall look at the one law that we need to know about
for effortless achievement of your goals.

This is the Law of Attraction. Scientifically, you may
think of it as harmony, like in music. Sounds that are of a
matching frequency and wavelength will resonate and create
harmony. They build upon each other. In fact, they activate
each other. When you strike a pitching fork when in a
silent room, any object that would resonate with the sound
coming from that tuning fork will begin to vibrate and hum
in resonance! Do you see the science behind that? Like
energy attracts and builds, unlike energy repels and

Ok, now let us look at something else. In the above
example, it must have occurred to you that it is the
vibration from the tuning fork that activated other objects
in the room to vibrate as well. Vibration. That is the key.
Everything in this universe is made of energy. In fact, it
is not made of energy, it is energy. It is only your five
senses that trick you into seeing forms. Forms are simply
the brain's interpretation of various energy activities.
Now, all energy vibrates. You vibrate. In fact, you are
like a giant transmitter and receiver, always sending out
and receiving frequencies. That is why you hear a cheap
radio crackle with interference when you walk near the
antennae. So let us get that settled. You vibrate, and that
vibration rate changes. For example, when you are happy,
you vibrate faster and you feel lighter. And vice versa. In
fact, everything becomes lighter as it increases its
vibration (think of ice becoming water and then steam
through the action of heating and thus raising vibration).
So you vibrate and so does everything else.

So what? Simple. Let us quickly review.

1. Vibration is in everything, including you and the things
you desire in your goals.

2. Like vibration matches, attracts, and builds. Unlike
vibration repels and destroys.

3. This is a Universal Law that never once decides to act
otherwise. You can call it the Law of Attraction. It is
based on the scientific working of energy, the stuff we and
everything else is.

Therefore, to get or achieve something, match yourself with
its vibration. How do you know what your vibration is? You
know by what you feel. Your feelings are your indicator of
your vibration. And your imagination, your thoughts,
activates your feelings.

To get or achieve something, match yourself with its
vibration. And your imagination, your thoughts, activates
your feelings.

Let us see exactly how that is done. These steps can be
expanded for more accuracy, but the following quick summary
will get you started very well.

1. First, decide what your goal is. For this example, let
us assume that your goal is to have a new car. Write that
down. It is very important that you write it down, as that
crystallizes your thoughts and gives a boost to the
manifestation process.

2. Next, get some pictures that are similar to the end
result of your goals. You will use these to help you
imagine, visualize, and therefore match your vibration to
your achieved goal and therefore make it happen. For
example, if you wish to have a new car, get some pictures
of the type of car you would like. You can get those free
off the internet. If you know exactly which model of a car
you would like, get pictures of that model.

3. Now it is time to program your conscious and
subconscious mind, and your emotions, so that they all
match your goal. In our new car example, take some quiet
time to familiarize yourself with how it would feel like to
actually have this new car. First of all, clearly write
down the features you would like in this new car. We shall
call this the form. Now, even more importantly, write down
the feelings you expect to get from this new car. Include
feelings, sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and touch. Also
write down the benefits you expect to get from this car,
and the reasons why you desire this new car. We shall call
this the essence.

4. In your mind, combine the form and the essence, and the
pictures you collected. The idea is to familiarize your
conscious and unconscious mind, and your emotions, with the
total feelings of having achieved your goal already. Close
your eyes and just imagine yourself at the point just after
you achieve your goal. Run that movie in your mind's eye,
including all aspects of form and essence. Do this 10, 20
or even 100 times, as many as you feel is necessary until
it feels natural to you. It should feel like the next
natural step is for it to actually happen. Once you capture
the totality of that feeling, you have got yourself a
matching vibration to your goal.

5. Next, clear yourself of any vibrations that contradict
your goal. You cannot achieve a goal if you vibrate against
it. For example, a contrary vibration is disbelief or a
feeling that you are not worthy or capable of achieving
such a goal.

6. Once you have your matching vibration and have
eliminated contradicting vibrations, you are done. Whenever
you think of your goal, bring up the total feeling.
Whenever a contrary feeling comes up, gently let it go
(don't engage it) and bring up the matching feeling.

7. Detach yourself from two things: time and form. The
universe delivers by essence primarily. The feeling you put
out, the essence, is what will come back. In other words,
the solution that will be brought to you will bring you the
essence you held when you were visualizing your goal.
Sometimes that form may be the exact one you had in mind,
sometimes it will be different. Just know two things; the
universe always delivers, but in its infinite intelligence
it delivers in the form most suitable to the essence it
received. What does this mean to you? Well, for one, don't
insist that your new car will come through any particular
sequence of steps, or from your income and savings, or from
a particular shop, and so on. Don't insist on the
particular car (form). Don't insist on the timing. You do
not know what the most efficient delivery is. Your view is
definitely more limited than that of the universe. Any
insisting will only mess with the vibration (you will feel
disappointed because you will have judged yourself so based
on your insisting). Let go. Detach yourself from form and
time. For certain, a form that accurately matches the
essence you put out will be delivered to you. That is
guaranteed. Let go, detach, as if it didn't matter. Let go
of that feeling of neediness.

8. Act when called upon. As you go about your life, certain
things and people will come your way. This is the universe
orchestrating a synchronicity of events that will lead to
your goal being achieved. Stay present and alert. When
these come, act upon them. Remember always to be detached.
Act purely for the sake of acting, not insisting on a
particular outcome. You will find yourself miraculously
having achieved your goal, out of the blue, step by step,
in a most amazing way that you could not possibly have
planned for!

It is very true that you can have anything if you believe
it. But remember, if you are having trouble finding your
faith, simply look instead at the system, and you will see
that faith is not even necessary, once you know that the
system has been created by the Creator to work perfectly
all the time, regardless. What you put in is what you get
out. Your job, then, is simply not to think against
yourself, and as long as you don't think against yourself,
all your desires will naturally manifest. I wish you the
highest possible achievements.

Article written by David Cameron, CEO