Ways to de-stress.
D : Deep BreathingThe moment you feel tense, your breathing srtarts to become shallow.Stop what you're doing and concentrate on taking in big gulps of air.In hale through nose and exhale through mouth.Deep breaathing helps to calm you down and get your heart rate back to normal.
E : Eat Well
Eat small meals and munching on healthy snacks several times a day helps to keep your blood sugar levels from fluctuating.A rich supply of omega-3 fatty acids from mackerel and sardines will help ypur nervous system function properly.
S : Sleep Well
A good night's sleep can make world of difference. You're less likely to be grumpy, anxious and tense the next day.You will be able to function better, think faster and be more alert at your workplace.
T : Tune In To Some Music
Whether it's pop music or orchestral numbers, music is said to soothe the nerves and help you cope with stress-related rises in blood pressure, it's cheap, safe, enjoyable and has no side-effects.
R : Relax
Though easier said than done, there are special techniques that you can learn to help you relax. One of these is called progressive muscle relaxation. You can do this either lying down or leaned back on your chair. Ideally, the place should be dimly lit and quiet. Spread your arms to your side wih your palms facing upwards. make a tight first with both hands and tense your entire body for 10 seconds before releasing your grip and relaxing.Now start from your feet, contacting and relaxing the muscles, like before, working your way up your legs, buttocks, back, chest, arms, neck, shoulders and face.This method is also useful for curing imsomnia.
E : Exercise
Stress depletes your energy levels and it makes you fat.Stress prompts the release of the hormone cortisol which breaks down muscle proteins. hinders fat burning and causes fat to build up in your body.Working out at the gym will overcome all these by burning off calories, reducing stress levels and enhancing your energy levels. A brisk walk is also a good way to work off the stream and leave you in better mood.
S : Scalp Massage
Use your fingertips to tap your scalp, followed by your forehead. This supposely gives you a quick energy boost and clears your mind. Giving yourself a scalp massage is one of the easiest ways to relieve tension in your head.Plus, it's one stress relief method you can practice in the office without drawing curious stares from your colleagues. With the tips of your fingers, start from the top of your head and work your way down to the neck.
S : Save A Tray
Pop by animal shelter like SPCA or PAWS to adopt a cat or dog. Pets are said to lower heart rates and reduce stress levels.Plus, you will be helping to save an animalby giving it a home. And we all know how doing a good deed always makes us feel better, dont we?
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